TOP > 愛する子孫



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 前理事長 梁瀬義亮




今や全世界に置いて地球環境の破壊による人類滅亡の危機を叫ぶ学者や有識者が多く、様々の会合が持たれ、その声明が発表されています。然し、今尚、危機の現実が実感されず世界規模の具体的な解決への動きが見られません。 生命と生態系を無視して果てしなく快適と贅沢な快楽を追求する近代文明は近い将来に置いて地球環境と生態系の破壊を起こし、人類の滅亡をもたらすことを、三十年来私達は叫び続けてきましたが、今や恐れていた予想が現実となって現れて来ました。 もう対策可能の最後の時点に来ていると思われます。


武力による国家エゴの主張が如何に悲惨な結果をもたらすかは今や全世界の人々の周知のことであります。然し経済力による国家エゴの主張が更にもっと悲惨な結果をもたらすことが未だ理解されず、世界中の国々は工業を主体とした果てしない経済発展のみを目標にしています。その結果、後述の如き恐るべき人類滅亡の危機が当来しました。今こそ国家エゴを捨てて世界中の国々が総力をあげ、互いに助け合って人類の永遠の生存と幸福のため進むべき道を必死に求めるべき秋(とき)であります。近代文明の発達はもう国家単位の幸福の追求を許しません。 全人類が協力して幸せな生存を求めるべき時代が来ています。差し当たって「共に生きる道を求める和の場としての国連」の位置づけのため、各国が話し合い、次第に平和な世界国家建設に進むべきと存じます。


大量生産、大量消費の現在の経済理念は誤りであります。地球資源は有限であります。もし、大量生産、大量消費を押し進めるならば、ただに資源が涸渇するのみならず、地球上のあらゆる生物が依って以て生命を保っている大自然の諸々のサイクル(例えば、動植物のO2とCO2 のサイクル、水のサイクル、地上、地下の動植物、微生物による生態学的サイクル等々・・・)が破れ、地球上の生命が死滅することは明らかであります。人間の快適と快楽の追求は飽くまで大自然の諸サイクルを破壊しない範囲内にあるべきで、人類の生存のために現経済はもっと縮少すべきであります。殊に紙や木材の再利用と重金属の回収、工業毒物の中和、家庭用洗剤の見直し等々は、森林を護り、大地や水の汚染を防ぐため経済性を無視してでも国家予算によって行われるべきであります。


工業は現在の経済推進のチャンピオンと見なされ世界中の国々が果てしない工業の発展を望んでいますが工業は最も劇しく地球環境や生態系の破壊を行っています。煤煙による大気汚染、酸性雨、工業排水による河川、湖沼、海洋の汚染、O2の異常消費によるCO2異常蓄積、フロンガスによるオゾン層破壊、原子力発電による核汚染等々・・・。地球の様々のサイクルを破壊し、自浄作用を害う現工業は、地球上の生命を絶滅します。正に「死の工業」です。 現工業の進捗はおろか工業先進国の工業は地球の自然を害しない程度までずっと引き下げるべきであり、工業の甚だしく遅れた国の工業進展もあくまで自然破壊の無い様に十分注意して行われるべきであります。


農業こそ最も大切な基幹産業として重視されるべき産業であり、それは人類の生命の源であります。然し現在行われている化学肥料と農薬を二大支柱とした農法については、私達は三十年前からその恐るべき害を叫びつづけています。この農法は生命を無視し生態系を無視した農法で「土を殺し、益虫を殺し、そして人を殺す」という恐るべき欠陥があります。殊に農薬は地上の生態系を破壊するのみならず、人間の脳や神経系、内分泌系を侵し、微量と雖も連続接種される時は二十年乃至三十年を経て癌、白血病、リューマチ、膠原病、肝障害等を起こし或いは、自殺や犯罪の原因ともなります。 農法は永久に土が健康で且つ旺盛な生産力を保持し得る完全無農薬有機農法でなければなりません。この農法は、土から出たあらゆるもの(有機物)を地上で土にしてから(好気性完熟堆肥)大地に返すという生態学的輪廻の法則に忠実な農法であります。この農法は、可能であるのみならず、その収穫は、質、量共に満足すべきものであり且つ、健康上、労力上、経済上極めて有利であることを三十年来私達は実践し、証明しつづけて来ました。工業の縮少、完全無農薬有機農業の振興により全人類は永久に食と職を得るのです。 又、農業に於いては生命と健康への役立ちが第一眼目で、経済性のみを重視した現農業や流通機構は誤っています。その意味に於いて農業の保護政策は重大であります。 漁業についても現在の様にいろいろな装置を用いて魚を必要以上にせん滅的に多く獲ることは誤りで、魚族の生態系を壊さぬ範囲内の漁獲にとどめるようよくよく調査研究し且つ協定すべきであります。


膨大な費用と多くの学者や医師の努力にもかかわらず、又その治療効果のすばらしさにもかかわらず現代医学は、病気と病人の数を減らすことは出来ません。反ってそれ等は、増加の一途を辿っています。 現代医学は救急医学としては極めてすぐれていますが、結果的には「病気を治して病人をつくる」という欠点のある事が事実として現れています。現代医学が見落としている重大な事実があります。それは極めて多くの病気は独立して存在するものでなくて「誤った生活」という根の上に生えた雑草の如きものであるという事実です。病気を病気という時点のみで、然も主として工学的発想と方法で解決しようとする現代医学は、根はそのままにして地表に現れた雑草を刈る努力をしているにすぎないので、あくまで病気の一時押さえ的範囲を出でず病気と病人は雑草の如くいくらでも、且つより強力に現れてきます。救急医学的には極めてすぐれている近代医学に、「誤った生活の匡正による生命力強化」を目指した今一つの医学、即ち「病源を絶つ新しい医学」が加わってはじめて病気が克服され病人がなくなるのです。この新しい医学は農学、環境学、更には哲学や宗教とも密接な関係を持たねばなりません。


人間社会を運営しているのは人間であります。それ故教育は青少年の全人格的向上を願って、正しい人間性のかん養を計るべきであります。現今の様にただ産業や経済に役立つための機械的人間をつくる教育は必ずや将来社会に大禍をもたらすものと信じています。 正しい教育を施すため、科学教育の中に生態学を十分に織り込んで「生命」に対する認識を深め、且つ哲学的立場から科学の何たるかを教えて科学迷信に陥らぬようにしなければなりません。又大自然の意義とその恩恵を教え更に、宗教や芸術に対する正しい認識を深めるような情緒教育をもっともっと強化すべきと存じます。


人間を最高、至上と驕慢に錯覚して大自然の恩恵、大自然への畏敬を忘れ、更に一切の生命に対する畏敬と愛をも忘れ、終には人間同志すらも生存競争の相手とまで考えるに至った現代人の妄想が地球破壊や公害という「文明の暴走」の原因でありますから宗教こそ正に大活躍するべき秋(とき)であります。然るに今や宗教界は或いは教団の維持にのみ汲々とし、或いは科学の何たるかを理解せず反って徒らに妥協、屈従して近代文明に媚び教祖の説かれた超科学的真理を宣布し得ず、人類を救う業を行っていません。今こそ宗教界は近代文明とその推進者である科学の実状と本質と限界をよく理解し、その指導者としての権威を発揮しなければなりません。又各宗教は個々の相違点はそのまま認め合い、理解し合い乍ら、その共通点たる「人間を超えた叡智と愛と能力の実在の信仰」、「エゴに対する懺悔」、「愛(慈悲)の実践」という共通点で互いに手を握り合い力を合わせて地球の滅亡を救う業に邁進すべき時であります。但し宗教は理性の埒を超える超科学的要素がある故にしばしば贋物が現れて社会に害を与えます。 「人間を超えた叡智と愛と能力の実在の信仰」、「自身のエゴへの謙虚な反省」、「日常生活における愛の実践のすすめ」 この要素に欠けたものは邪教として排すべきであり、且つ宗教者の金満、奢侈、贅沢は絶対禁ぜられなければなりません。すべての宗教を弾圧し、極右的な国家神道のみによって、国民を洗脳し他のすべての宗教を弾圧した明治の教育や政策が如何に恐ろしい罪を日本国民に犯さしめ、且つ自国のみならず全アジア、全世界に大きな不幸をもたらしたかを深く反省し心から懺悔すると共に、無宗教状態の日本の現在の文明が平和国家を標榜し乍ら一体何をなしつつあるか、どうなりつつあるのかを反省して、今更乍ら「誤った宗教」及び「無宗教」による近代文明の暴走の危険を膚寒く感ずるのであります。


人類の生存は大自然と数限りない生命が織りなす大調和(生態系)の恩恵があってこそはじめて可能であるという、この厳粛且つ重大な事実を見落として、人間が全く自己中心的に大自然を破壊、掠奪し、数限りない生命を奪いその生活を破壊することが当然の権利であるかの如く錯覚した。その錯覚の上に打ち立てられた近代文明は今や崩壊の危機に臨んでいます。私達は心から反省し懺悔し至急に徹底的に大方向転換しなければなりません。然らざれば極く近い将来地球環境は破壊され、人類の滅亡が必至であります。今や匡正可能の最後の時点に至っています。猶予すべきときではありません。全世界の国々は国家的エゴを捨て互いに相和し、相協力して愛する子孫のため人類が永久に且つ幸せに生きられる道を早急にえらぶべきです。 人類の快適、快楽の追求には許される限度があり今の先進工業国はいろいろな点でその限度を遥かに超えています。又工業後進国も工業先進国の贅沢が誤りであることを覚(さと)るべきです。人間の幸福の最も大切な基本は心身の健康です。世界中が協力して贅沢よりも健康と平和を願い、大自然を畏敬し、自然のサイクルを重んじて生活廃棄物の再生を重要視し、農業が工業以上に重んぜられ、正しい芸術や正しい宗教が崇ばれる社会をつくることが人類が永く地球上に生き残れる唯一の道と信じます。 以上のことをご理解の上速やかな解決へのご尽力を賜らんことを神仏に祈りつつお願い申し上げる次第であります。

Environmental Appeal

Dear our fellow inhabitants of the earth,
With deep sincerity and concern, we humbly ask you, who have a voice in your society, to use your influence in order to make it possible for future generations to enjoy the world that we now inhabit.



Recently, many scholars and intellectuals have noted that, due to the massive destruction of our environment, we are now on the verge of the total demise of humankind. Meetings concerning this problem have been held where similar warnings verifying this fact have been issued. Yet, even at this critical stage, no viable solutions to our global problems have been put forth.

It was thirty years ago that the Jikobukkyo-kai first sent out warnings concerning the eventual destruction of our global environment and ecological system, as well as the destruction of humankind, due to our overemphasis of a life-style that pursues comfort and luxurious pleasures; a life-style that, at the same time, defies life itself including the ecological system we live in. Now our fears have come to pass. We have now reached a point where we either take the necessary actions needed to restore our endangered environment and avoid human destruction or suffer the consequences. There is no tomorrow. We ask for your help in undertaking the drastic measures needed to curb this crisis as soon as possible.


All the peoples of the world are aware of the disastrous results that would occur if one country decided to assert its national ego through the use of military force. We are, however, less aware of the ramifications of countries attempting to manifest this national ego through economic force. This force is much more damaging than the former. Yet, in order to develop economically, each country throughout the world has adopted this force as a national aim. This has resulted in the world reaching a critical point in its history and has threatened the very existence of human beings.

The time has come for us to forgo our national egos and devote our energies towards helping one another; cooperating with each other in the search for viable solutions to the crisis we all face in order to ensure the eternal existence and happiness of humankind. The world we live in today can no longer contain a civilization that pursues such nationalistic happiness. We are at a time when we must pursue this happiness and well-being through cooperative, rather than competitive, means. To accomplish this, we propose that all nations of the earth truly unite in discussion in order to form a United Nations that is a place of harmony for co-existence and to gradually proceed to construct a peaceful world nation.

Our concept of economics is erroneously based on a system that stresses mass production and mass consumption. Our terrestrial resources are limited. If we continue on this path, we will inevitably find ourselves facing a world of depleted resources leading to the degradation and eventual collapse of all living matter on earth.

The environmental crisis we face today is a result of the cutting off of various life-sustaining cycles of Nature that depend and interact with each other (for example, the O2 and CO2 cycle between plants and animals, the water cycle, the ecological transmigration of animals, plants, and microorganisms both above and below the earth, as well as others). Our quest to attain the pleasures and comforts of life must be limited at least to the extent that it does not disrupt these cycles of Nature.

To ensure the continuance of human life, the present economic system must be scaled down to a more manageable level. Also, national budgets must allot funding for the recycling of paper, the recovery of heavy metals, the neutralization of industrial poisons, and the reexamination of domestic detergents, regardless of the toll such action may take on the economy as a whole.


The development of industry is given top priority in most, if not all, nations of the world as it is believed that industrial development is vital in attaining successful economic growth. Yet, it is this development of industry that has had the most destructive effect on our global environment. Industrial smog and smoke pollute our air resulting in acid rain. Factory drainage spills into our rivers, lakes, marshes, and seas. An abnormally high level of O2 consumption causes an irregular accumulation of CO2. The use of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCS) depletes the ozone layer. Nuclear power generation leaves behind radiation pollution. Industrialization, which has disrupted numerous natural cycles of the earth and has damaged the self-cleansing power of Nature, will eventually lead to the demise of all life on earth. Thus, industrialization as it stands today, equates to nothing less than death, in the true sense of the word.

In light of this, we call for a general scaling down of industry in the developed nations of the world to the extent that it ceases to interfere with the natural cycles of Nature. Too, we call for a moratorium on the further development of present industry. Industrial development in other areas of the world, including Third World nations, must be carried out at a moderate scale with full attention given to the conservation of Nature.


Agriculture, which is vital to the continued existence of humankind, must be regarded as our most important industry. Thirty years have passed since we first issued warnings concerning the hazards of using chemical fertilizers and agricultural chemicals in the farm industry. This agricultural technique does nothing more than reject living entity and the ecological system killing the soil, useful worms, and, over time, human beings. In particular, agricultural chemicals act on our brain, our nervous system, as well as our endocrine system. Through the continual use of these chemicals in agriculture, over a thirty-year or so span, it gradually leads to cancer, leukemia, rheumatism, collagen diseases, as well as liver disorders. To a certain extent, the occurrence of criminal action, as well as suicide, can also be indirectly attributed to these agricultural chemicals.

We call for a return to the use of non-chemical based agricultural practices that rely on organic fertilizer, in order to ensure the maintenance of a soil that is healthy and has productive powers. The use of organic farming techniques conforms with the laws of ecological reincarnation. That is, we turn everything that comes from the soil into an aerobic, fully ripened compost and return it back to Mother Earth. We have been practicing this technique for over thirty years and have discovered that not only is this method possible, it is also healthy, labor saving, and economical. The harvests we have reaped from this soil, as well, have been both qualitatively and quantitatively fruitful. By scaling down industry and promoting chemical-free organic agriculture, not only will we have enough food to eat, but enough work to do, as well. We must first, though, realize the necessity of agriculture itself in terms of our personal health and livelihood before we can understand the destructive effect present-day agriculture techniques, along with the food distribution system, which are based on the concept of economic efficiency, have had on us. With this in mind, we should extend our full support to protecting agriculture and promoting organic agriculture.

The fishing industry is also in need of our attention. Taking in more fish than we really need through the use of various kinds of apparatus threatens their existence as well. In order for us not to destroy the ecological system of fish, a thorough investigation, followed by bilateral agreements on fishing, is desperately needed.


Despite great financial expense as well as labor expense on the part of many doctors and scholars; despite tremendous strides being made in creating effective medical treatment, modern medicine has failed in its quest to conquer sickness and heal sick people. To the contrary, the number of diseases as well as the number of sick people have increased. Modern medicine has made progress in emergency treatment. Yet, in reality, this advancement has resulted in a curing-the-illness-but-contaminating-the-patient phenomenon. This is due to the fact that modern medicine has overlooked one serious piece of reality. That is that most illness does not exist independent of life itself. Essentially, illness stems from an erroneous life-style; a life-style sustained by a diet that is unbalanced and relies on chemically-treated foods; a life-style that is being chronically poisoned from environmental pollution. Treating people who are sick only at the point of the illness itself using predominantly industrial conceptions and methodology, as is the practice of modern medicine, is like picking the weeds from the surface of the earth and disregarding the roots of the weeds below the earth's surface. At best, this leads to a temporary containment of the illness providing temporary relief to the patient, ensuring that, like weeds, the sickness will surface even stronger than prior to treatment the next time around.

In order for us to overcome sickness and reduce the number of people seeking medical treatment, we need to supplement the great progress being made by modern medicine in emergency treatment with a more holistic form of treatment that aims at strengthening the patient's life through the correction of the patient's life-style itself and thus cutting sickness off at its roots. This new treatment must establish close ties with the agriculture industry, environmental science, as well as philosophy and religion.


A people-oriented society is managed by the people. For this reason, society must strive to develop the whole youth in attempting to cultivate a righteous human nature. An educational system like the one at present, that exists for the sake of producing machine-like human beings for the sole benefit of industry and the economy, will surely meet with grave disaster in our future society.

To develop an effective education system, within the teaching of science, the study of the ecology must be completely woven into a deep awareness of "life." Moreover, the essence of science must be presented from a philosophic perspective in order for it to prevail over contemporary scientific myths concerning the role and function of human beings within Nature. Also, education must emphasize the significance of Nature, including the benefits bestowed upon us by Nature. Furthermore, in educating the youth of our society, we must instill in them a deep physical as well as emotional awareness of religion and art.


Human beings, in their arrogant illusion of being the supreme living entities on earth, have forgotten the gifts we are recipient of though Nature and have neglected our due respect to Nature itself. We have also forgotten the benefits and importance of love in respect to life itself. Consequently, cooperation amongst human beings has all but disappeared and, in its place, a competition for human survival has surfaced. This wild fantasy of contemporary human- kind has resulted in the creation of a renegade culture with earth pollution and destruction to show as its "accomplishments." It is surely a time for religion to take an active role in seeking out solutions to these problems.

Despite the critical situation we find ourselves in, the religious sector has not responded to the world in its time of need. Religious bodies, thinking only of their own preservation, and lacking a true understanding of the essence of science, needlessly compromise, submit to, and flatter modern civilization while neglecting to preach the meta-scientific Truths that enlightened their founders. Thus, their work concerning the salvation of humankind is left undone.

Now is the time for the religions of the world to come to grips with the actual circumstances, the actual conditions, as well as the limitations of modern culture and its driving force, modern science, and demonstrate authority in guiding people. It is also a time for people of different creeds to acknowledge their points of difference as they are and to devote their energies to saving the earth from demolition. Now is the time for us to join hands in unity with each other at our common points of true faith leading to the existence of wisdom, love, and ability while transcending human nature, repentance of the ego, and the practice of love and mercy. Religion, however, being attributed to a meta-scientific element, often goes beyond reason thus producing "fake religions" that poison society. Thus, if a particular religion lacks even one of the above three elements, it must be regarded as being in error. Too, extravagance and monetary profit should not be a part of matters concerning religion.

The education and government policy of Meiji-era Japan (1869-1911) which oppressed all other religions and, through its ultra-right wing National Shinto religion, brainwashed the people of Japan, committed an unpardonable crime against not only the Japanese nation but all other nations of Asia and the world, bringing about misery and sorrow. We reflect on this and, from the bottom of our hearts, we repent for this, Yet, at the same time, as our present atheistic culture professes to be a country of peace, we have to ask ourselves whether or not our words are nothing more than just empty slogans. What are we doing to attain this culture of peace? I get a chilly feeling from modern culture, based on false religions or atheistic principles, running helplessly out of control, lacking direction.


It is only through the blessings of Nature and through the creation of a harmonious relationship amongst the living creatures of the earth (the ecological system) that the existence of humankind will be allowed to continue. We have failed to realize this critical fact. As a result, we have been hallucinating in thinking that it is our natural right as human beings to be able to destroy and remove from Nature as we please, killing countless numbers of other living creatures and destroying their livelihood. The modern civilization constructed upon this hallucination is on the verge of collapse. It is time we reflected on and repented for the sins we have committed against Nature and drastically reform the life-style our modern culture has brought upon us. If we choose to continue on this suicidal course of life, it will only lead to the destruction of humankind and the demolition of our global environment in the near future.

We are running out of time. All nations of the world must relinquish their national egos and, through harmony and cooperation with other nations, choose a path of life that will assure future generations a chance to live happily in the world we now inhabit. To attain this, the developed nations of the world must first realize that there are limitations to our quest for attaining the comforts and pleasures of life, and that they have far exceeded these limitations in many areas. The developing nations of the world must realize that this fanatic pursuit of luxury on the part of the industrially advanced nations of the world is clearly in the wrong. All nations of the world must realize that the basis for human happiness is physical and mental health, and not materialistic wealth.

We are firmly convinced that the sole way to ensure the continuance of human life on earth lies in the creation of a society where each and every nation throughout the world cooperates with each other in the pursuit of peace and good health and not through competing with each other for the luxuries of life; where each and every nation returns its due respect to Nature through the recycling of waste matters, through the realization of the importance of agriculture over industry, and through the reverence of true art and true religion.

We pray to God and Buddha that you join hands with us through your understanding and assistance in putting a halt to the destruction of our earth.

Yanase Giryo
representing the Jikobukkyo-kai